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Hard Working listen to your hear A Woman is Not an Island
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Sweet, sincere, single lady Wanted: A Bestfriend
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It's me..! love is ? A man seeking for companion in life
ilbder4u! the serious type of a person the serious type of a person
cattycute life is meaningless without u Hello....
Looking for a honest and si Making friends around the world. Programmer
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maybe we meant to be.......... confidential hi im searching
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Youre the one Im looking for!!!!! Christians seeks female friends A simple young kind lady looking for
Happiness is a state of mind simple lady with a big heart... soulmate seeker
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SINGLE Looking for serious relationship Dennis Gonzales Dado Profile
Dennis Dado Profile Filipina, Lady, Wants To Meet Responsib Seeking friend accross the miles.
better know each other first A friend for life!!!!! Hi, just kind of shy:)
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hello!!!! looking my right man ...i know you here Searching for someone special
the private chat Miss Blue Enchantress hi y'all
hi!lets get to know! Friendly I AM FOR REAL
Truly for keeps Somewhere Out There love sex
im looking for love... Man Seeking friends!!! Free your Mind and the rest will Follow
ice_n_fire Here comes Super jane someone with great sense of humor and si
True love finds its way I am Aida from the Philippines love is blind
Im Might be your angel social worker A true and responsible is my ideal
24 year old Lady in search for her Mr. R hello, I've been looking for you for so seeking a true friend that is worth keep
Let me iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn want 2 know u more @--- --- --- that girl
HELLO I'm an aspiring model in search of repre It Might Be You !
pat Looking for a friend mabuhay!
Hello Hello =) What's up??
Hello from MJ looking for a friend tengl
I am yours if you'll be mine forever. AMAZING ASIAN WOMAN (check this out!) Desperately searching for my soulmate a
the music lover lil' jey Character
Seeking for: Possible partner in life an true love Don Alano
HOOK-UP simplicity is beauty Enginner
Expect the UNEXPECTED simple Looking for love and romance
Seeker of the Future
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